The first time I ate a macaroon, I was sitting in a tiny bed in a tiny room in the Le Grand Hotel Des Gobelins in Paris, watching French TV. I had bought 6 for myself that day - at LaDuree, Champs-Elysee. I planned to eat one only but polished off all 6 in that one sitting. Once I took my first ever bite, I was hooked - and in less than 15 minutes (a very enjoyable 15 minutes) I ate everything. Yes, 6. All 6 perfect discs, in perfect colours. By me in my tiny room with floral bedsheets, and French men yabbling away on TV. I might have missed my husband a little more during that 15 minutes, and I might have wished very much more that he was with me enjoying the macaroons, in that room - but I never regretted the calories, and oh how I enjoyed the awesomeness of the crunch of the shell, giving way to chewiness, and the filling in the different flavors.
So I guess it's really a no-brainer that one day, I'd try making some macaroons myself. And I did - about a year back, with results that were extremely laughable. And so, I gave up with just that one failure and vowed never to try again. Until I realised how much my husband loves macaroons (We stayed in Ritz-Carlton Osaka and Tokyo earlier this year, and he together with AWong ate up all the macaroons on the Club Floors. Eating our money's worth,they said. Luckily for us, the Japanese are polite and discreet - and I was never made to feel like I married a glutton)
So, with one failure in the pocket, I decided to go for a macaroon class held this morning - and check out my macaroons! I am so terribly pleased with them. i had all but given up hope when I failed the first time around, and you have no idea how much this makes me happy. :)